Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Family or Friends?

To most people there family is more important then there friends, but for me thats not the case. My family is crap. I lost almost everyone in my family. It bothered me for the logest time. It does get hard sometimes, but I'm looking past it now. I'm living a pretty darn good life if I don't include them. There the only ones holding me back. The ones who actually make me sad and feel a lone. I'll be very happy when my step mom kicks me out in February. I'm so scared, but I know its good for them to get out of my life. My friends are the ones who have stuck with me. Yeah i've had friends that pass, but not close ones. My best friends have stayed my best friends and i love them. There always there and there families are mine. My best friend heathers parets are letting me move into there house for a bit. I guess everyones different. Most of the time you hear friends pass and go, but families stays, but thats not the case for me.

What am I doing after I graduate?!?

              Honestly I don't really know yet. Stuff has been getting really stressful at home and I can't wait to move out but I don't have plans. I'm moving in with my best friends heather and I'm gonna continue to work at county market. I want to go to college, but I can't do it right away. Moving out on my own is gonna be a lot of work for me and to say in school and work and pay my own bills is gonna be hard in the beginning. I just want to take off a year and get situated. I'm so scared about moving out. I wish I didn't have to. I wish I had the parents that let you live with them until you get your feet on the ground. I want to go to Minneapolis Business College and take the medical assistant course. thats where I want to start, but I don't plan on stopping there. After that I'll find something more in depth that I want to pursue. Maybe I want to work on the heart. Just kidding. I don't. lol

Monday, December 17, 2012

Influential People In My Life

  1. GOD

  2. My Dad

  3. My Boyfriend

  4. Justin Bieber

  5. My Friend Stephanie Hare

    Everyone in my list is influential in a different way. God is the biggest part of my life. Without him I wouldn't be here. I've never met him, but one day I will. My dad has taught my a lot in my life. My boyfriend is someone I couldn't live without. Justin Bieber has taught me to NEVER SAY NEVER and believe. Stephanie has taught me how to be good. She's the most kind heart girl i've ever met. I respect that they all love me for who I am. I will always have them. 

Friday, December 14, 2012


I really just wanted to write how I felt about God because I don't think people understand what there talking about when they don't believe in him. God has made an impact on my life bigger then anyone else. No one would be here without God. I guess I respect people and there beliefs, but if your beliefs consist on worshiping the devil; I don't want anything to do with that. Your messing with something that will effect you in your afterlife. I've gone through a lot of struggles in my life, but God always helps me through it. That conscience you get before you decide to do something stupid; thats God telling you that it's not a smart choice. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for God. I didn't really believe in God before until I found my religion and I felt gods touch. It's something I'll never forget. 


I'm so excited to graduate. I'm kinda bummed I couldn't stay at the high school. I miss all my friends and the teachers, but I had to make a decision for whats better. I was behind a couple credits because I failed some classes in ninth grade. My dad wouldn't drive me to Stillwater twice a week so I just put it off. My dumb decisions brought me here, but in the end it is for the better. I get kicked out of my house in February when I turn 18. Changing schools gives me the opportunity to work very hard an graduate early. I'll be graduating around the time when I turn 18 which is awesome. I will walk with my graduating class. I can't believe my school days are coming to an end. Senior year. I never really thought I would make it to this day. 

                     Stillwater class of 2013

Political Cartoon

Rick McKee - The Augusta Chronicle - Jobless Elf - English - jobless, unemployed, underemployed, elf, Christmas
So many people are homeless and don't have jobs. They can't feed themselves or there families. This man will do work for food. It's funny cause the elf maybe doesn't need it. 

What pet I would choose to be

My parents own two beagles right now and I love them. If i had to choose what pet i would be it would be a dog. I would want to be a Beagle or a German Shepherd. I think beagles are the cutest. There small and have big ears and very good noses. German shepherds are very strong and big. I would feel very safe if I had one. Dogs are kinda a big responsibility. To take care of a dog you need:
  • food
  • water
  • shampoo
  • grooming accessories

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

                                    Favorite Video Game?!?

Honestly I dont play video games. Occasionally i will, but not often at all. I've played Call Of Duty and I do like the game, but I just don't like video games in general. I think they make people lazy and waste money on something stupid. If someone else wants to wast there money then fine I'll go to there house and play the game. I do own a WII, but I think of that as a family game system. I like the active games. I use to play the game super mario galaxy. It was so much fun. I really do like the WII games that you have to get up and get active with it. Like playing bowling or tennis.  I do play games on my phone. I kinda count that as a video game cause it is, but it's in your hand. I love playing games on my Iphone. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

                        What I Want For Christmas

  • Gray bailey button uggs
  • More clothes
  • Iphone 5
  • Car
  • Not have my boyfriend go on vacation for 2 weeks
  • Beats by Dre